Not just Another Day

Not just Another Day The skills of the surgeon, this day were trained On the life and the health of the patient at hand His team was alert as he…

Our Ship has Sailed

Our Ship has sailed;  a quiet dock remains That tangled web of passion will be no more, with its breathless haste and urgency never to return again The siren who…

Harm’s Way (To Erik)

Harm’s Way As a father, if you saw one of your little children, in diapers, straying very close to fast moving traffic on a busy highway, you would run to…

It’s 5:30 AM

It is 5:50 a.m. And morning has finally come to “Chez Northside” (Northside Hospital).  A bed was provided so that I could spend the night with Carol and monitor her…

A Christmas Lesson Learned

A Christmas Lesson Learned By David Johnson   ‘Twas the day after Christmas and most guests had all split, Our overtaxed septic was spewing out sh-t The house was a…