Who Fantasizes and Why?
Why do we fantasize?
Do we do it to ESCAPE the life we lead? Or, do we do it merely to ENHANCE the life we find ourselves living; like an apertif with a good meal.
To embellish the somewhat predictable existence we find ourselves in? Possibly! Let us count the ways!
Fantasy is spiritually global; it encompasses our inner soul, our whimsical desires and sometimes even, our true inner yearnings.
Is it time Ill-spent? Realistically, probably not.
Those who cannot assimilate it probably write, paint or sculpt, sublimate, and otherwise create;
Can fantasy eventually lead to reality?
No, probably not; and hopefully not; and for most, reality will rarely trump fantasy. For the rich and famous- world celebrities- fantasy becoming reality is sometimes the “beginning of the end.”. . When you’ve “had it all,” what is left to strive for?
Can we use the power of fantasy to clear disease and illness; yes, technically we do it all the time when we convert these desires to different forms of constructive visualization. Aren’t placebos really illustrating the true power of psychological healing?
Is it the conversion of a dream to the conscious state? A transposition, of sorts?
Isn’t life itself enough? People who live really long lives are usually the dreamers, and many times, the visionaries, but, not necessarily the achievers. Dreamers reach the pinnacle of visualization, but never have to suffer the reality of success or failure.
Is it a recapture of early idyllic happiness?
Is it the manifestation of the inner child that didn’t disappear when we grew into adulthood; a form of “never never land?”
Or, is it a necessary subset of the life we lead (an alternative existence), a second dimension into which we can retreat to escape the restraints of reality when the crushing boredom of our daily existence comes to visit.