If we didn’t have bad luck, We sometimes wouldn’t have any luck at all.

If we didn’t have bad luck, We sometimes wouldn’t have any luck at all.

We all watch out for each other
Our elderly don’t get to retire; they just stop working when they can no longer physically keep up the pace.
We don’t lock our houses, and we generally don’t lock up our cars.
Non-confrontational crime rules the day; we are basically non-confrontational folks.
We don’t gawk, but do see most cars that come down our dirt road
Most of us don’t have any homeowners’ insurance, liability insurance, or health insurance.
We don’t fence or put up no trespassing signs
We may not know our neighbor, but we know who he is
We may fall below the poverty line but we eat well and stay warm; it’s the discretionary items that we can’t afford.
We played, wandered on, and hunted on your property long before you owned it, and we never harmed it.
Many of our happy childhood memories come from roaming these beautiful mountains.
Your arrival has made what property we do own so valuable that we can’t afford to pay our taxes, and keep it.
Our volunteer fire, emergency and law enforcement services have a level of dedication that no amount of money can buy.  That’s because WE are the volunteer fire department.
Except for school-sponsored sports, our kids have little to do in their leisure hours.
Our youth can find very few career opportunities locally, even in a healthy economy.
In this area, good marks in school don’t assure us of a good future; not a very good incentive to excel!
When driving, we will wave to you even if we don’t know you.
We would stop to help you even though we don’t know you and we know that it could be dangerous.
We don’t evangelize, but you are always welcome in our churches.
Trust us; we are about as sincere and serious as a heart attack.
You don’t have to like us, but we do want you to respect us.
Most of us weren’t given anything for free; we earned it, and learned the hard way.
We live long because we worked hard and built up our resistance to the inactivity that kills off the human race.
Those wrinkles on our faces aren’t from age, they’re from care, hard work, weather, and experience.
We don’t have much, but we’ll share it with you if you’re in need.
Please, don’t try to change us; we’re doing just fine, thank you very much!
