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Impossible Dream
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A Christmas Lesson Learned By David Johnson ‘Twas the day after Christmas and most guests had all split, Our overtaxed septic was spewing out sh-t The house was a…
⭐️Egg and Milk Proteins are “kidney-friendly” He said he could eat: ⭐️Sweet potato casserole ⭐️Clam chowder Pumpkin pie Hearty vegetable soups And would drink Tea ⭐️Milk Broths Protein milks Should…
We Are Born To Wealth by David Johnson How many sunsets have you seen Can you remember even ten? Then bring back your most beautiful And try to tell me…
Infinitesimal Me by David Johnson Our lives are but a flash of light Mere grains of sand on a well-worn shore A faint glimmer in the dark of night A…
The Path To Aging by David Johnson Join me on the path to aging It’s not lonely, so many travel it now Listen, as the roar of our youth subsides…
You have NINE categories to post in, if you want. If you don’t specify any of them, it AUTOMATICALLY puts the post in category: Philosophy But if you want your post to be in…